Study trip to Luoyang Yongzhuo

June 07 , 2021    view:335

In order to make the company’s new employees and front-line sales staff can better understand the product knowledge,on March 25, 2020,all the staff of Combat Foreign Trade Department visited and learned the production workshop of Luoyang Yongzhuo Tungsten and Molybdenum Company.

Luoyang Yongzhuo enterprise responsible person had introduced the development of the company and the production process of each link of the tungsten product.

Through this communication, we have a preliminary understanding of the corporate culture and development status of Yongzhuo Company. In addition, through this visit and study, we have deepened our understanding of relevant theoretical knowledge, such as the knowledge of powder making, pressing, sintering, machining, quality inspection and so on.

Visiting and learning is an effective way to combine theoretical knowledge with production practice.During the visit, we could not only walk into the production workshop, but also see the whole process of production of tungsten products. Our visit schedule was: powder making workshop – screening workshop – quality inspection workshop – pressing workshop – sintering workshop, and we learned the whole process from powder reduction to finished products.

During this visit, all the staff of Foreign Trade Department had a deeper understanding of the product knowledge.

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